

Trade Courier bounties and Mercs
Name Trade Courier bounties and Mercs
Ticker TCBM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Intell Intell
Members 6
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98077701

Members [6]


We are a starting new corporation looking for oprotunistic traders that want to stop getting blown up and make the most out of teamwork.
There are countless billions to be made as long as there is a team offort.

We are currently recruiting all levels of piolits, min training is tech-1 industrial.
BS and BC players needed badly these players get compensated for any non-neglagent loss through the corp.

Corp. profits through cordinated operations are stockpiled untill a member wants his/her share of the net. Shares are sold for 0 isk at the begining of each opp, the ammount that the share is worth is based on position in the corporation and ship pioleted during that operation. Piolets of the ships desinged for protection get shares worth 25% more than those in transport.

The overall value of the shares is based on the net income of the corporation, all trading items are bought with corperation isk so are considerd property of the corporation and will be sold for profit, your shares will be based on that profit.

TCB is based on loyalty, trust, honesty, and friendship. Yoyr rank within the corporation or allience depends on these factors. The responsibility to promote is given to the Senate.
(Corp ranks and share values are,
-All unused shares go to corp reimbersment funds.-
(EMP)Emperor: 50%+tax tax= (10.0%)of all stocks sold
(WAR)Warlords: 125%
(HC)High Councel 125% (4max)
(Sen)Senate: 125%
(IMPG)Imperial Guard: 125%
1st Officer: 80%
2nd Officer: 70%
3rd officer: 60%
(T)Trainee: 50%
(R)Recruit: 50%

(my attempt to explain how shares work:)
shares, you get shares every time you participate in an op and when you donate to the corp, donations are allways considered refundable at any time unless contract states other payment. the value of a share is based on the deiferant perks like ship and rank, when you have 50% value as a recruit you get 50% worth of your shares for that operation.Warlord recieves 115% because of the bonus of ship and rank combined.
say that the total net profit of the op was 100 isk and 10 people were in the op there would be 100 shares (10 people x 10) and those shares would be split up. the recruit would be able to recieve 50% of of 10 shares and would recieve 5, the extra would go to warlord and a holding tank, money in the holding tank will be given out for single day to day tasks given by the sen, hc, and emp to ranks that recieve lower than 100% what remainder after that would be to replace currency for lost trading items and ships.

Rank descriptionis are as fallows,
Recruit-must be recruited by a Sen, HC, Emp

Trainee-anybody in the corporation for more than 3 days and showed activeness.

3rd Officer- You have been in the corp for at least 1 weak and are starting to learn the ropes.

2nd Officer-you have been in the corp for at least 1 month and you are now a known and relied apon crue, you will serve your dues but also be looked to for knowledge from the the newer members.

1st Officer- you are now looked up to by the lower ranks and respected by the higher ranks. you have earned the right to respect!

Impg- not many have been were you are, you are looked to for knowledge. You are the master trainer of all trainers below you, you are a master of eve and should be regarded as part of the backboan of the corporation by this point.

Sen- you have been voted to senate, .You are da man now and vote on proposed plans for the corporation.You are regarded as reliable and can make anything happen! you have the corporation in your hands and must be wise in what you say and do because other corporations will look to you for business and relations. You have the power of demotion.

HC- You are 1 of only 10, anything you say goes and are like a dictator with an Emperor to answer to. Sen votes on hc positions.

operations in Hi-sec do not need protection so everyone will be asked to piolet an industrial ship during these opperations.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-23 08:08:47
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